home baking recipes tips basics

Chocolate ganache

Enough to glaze and make rosettes for 1 pan of brownies.
This is wonderful stuff; save the recipe even if you don’t want it for brownies. When warm, it’s a wonderful glaze; chilled and whipped it’s terrific cake frosting — and excellent truffles. If you’re using it for brownies and you don’t have a pastry bag to make rosettes, make only half of this recipe and just pour it over the brownies.


• 11/2 c. heavy cream
• 4 tbsp. butter (1/2 stick)
• 1 (12-oz.) bag semisweet chocolate chips


Combine the cream and butter in a saucepan over medium heat and bring just to the boil, stirring occasionally to melt the butter. Pour into the small bowl of an electric mixer. Stir in the chocolate chips, stirring until they are largely melted. Beat on low speed until the mixture is smooth and uniform. Pour about half of the ganache over the pan of brownies. Cool completely, then cut and chill.
Chill the rest in the mixer bowl with the beaters one-half hour or more, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is cool and resembles thick cream.
Whip the chilled ganache until it is as stiff as whipped cream and pipe rosettes onto the chilled brownies. Wow.
(You might have some left over; you’ll figure out what to do with it.)